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Marijuana – A Drug that Causes Drug-Induced Depression-like Syndrome
I have already addressed the topic of marijuana in one my previous articles. Therefore it would be most beneficial to start with an understanding that marijuana use can be seen by some as a sign of mental illness. It was also reported that when marijuana was legalized in Portugal and other nations, drug abuse (and violent crime) went up as a result. Many people seem to use marijuana, even though it has no medical purpose (i.e. it is an intoxicant.) In fact, one of the studies looking at relationship between marijuana use and cancer, found that:
"Marijuana does not cause cancer. Marijuana use alone may not cause cancer."
The authors go on to state
"There are many different aspects of brain functions that are modulated by cannabinoids. There is some evidence for brain tumorigenesis in rodents that overexpress the cannabinoid receptors. However, it is difficult to estimate the relevance of such findings to humans given the limited number of studies and the potential for confounding factors."
Furthermore, some of the evidence suggests that marijuana causes a drug-induced depression-like syndrome. It was reported that
"Marijuana dependence and withdrawal are common among people who use marijuana. One study suggests that marijuana abuse and withdrawal are associated with a decreased capacity to experience positive emotion."
The reason for this could not be better summarized than by Dr. Nora Volkow, who said:
"Marijuana use can contribute to some of the negative physical and mental consequences of addiction."
However, the exact mechanism through which marijuana triggers this depression-like syndrome is not known. The drug most associated with this phenomenon by the prescription drug trafficking canada fact that it increases dopamine levels. is a neurotransmitter, which helps regulate many functions in the brain. this regard, dopamine levels are increased in the brain. Some research suggests that marijuana causes a rise in dopamine, but not the same way that it increases serotonin levels. does not show the same impact on serotonin levels.
So, is it possible to have a depression-like syndrome that is caused by marijuana?
The best study is a series of studies done by Dr. Marc Lewis. Essentially he was able to produce a significant number of schizophrenics who said they used cannabis for depression. This was done mainly in Israel where the drug was legal.
Lewis found that these people were significantly more likely to talk about feelings of sadness, irritability, helplessness, and other such symptoms.
In addition, for comparison, Lewis has a group of healthy schizophrenics, where he also gave marijuana to them. Again he found that the schizophrenics had significantly more symptoms than the healthy schizophrenics did.
In a series of clinical trials in which schizophrenics used marijuana, the authors found that:
"…the marijuana increased dopamine, serotonin, and glutamate neurotransmission, which, as well a marked reduction in glutamate transmission the NAc."
This is quite significant if true. It is not clear how much of this reduction glutamate transmission was caused by marijuana and how much was due to the schizophrenics going about their day. It is possible that the marijuana simply caused a drop in glutamate transmission.
However, other studies have not shown any significant Cost for orlistat changes in glutamate transmission. For example, the Journal of Psychopharmacology was a study that found marijuana did nothing to diminish glutamate transmission in the brains of schizophrenics. Therefore, marijuana clearly does not cause an increase or depression-like syndrome in schizophrenics. However another study, conducted by Dr. David Nutt, found that marijuana actually decreased the activity of glutamate.
In my article on Marijuana, I already addressed in some detail of the scientific studies on topic of marijuana and Buy propecia for hair loss depression. However the latest study published in Journal of Psychopharmacology is most interesting in my opinion.
The study shows that marijuana causes the loss of neurons over time:
"The finding is consistent with previous evidence, which suggests that chronic marijuana use alters brain function, including neuronal structure and function. For example, heavy use of marijuana affects a variety neurons, including hippocampal, mesolimbic, and nigrostriatal tissue. A particular deficit in the hippocampus, which is crucial for learning and memory, has been found in some studies."
These neurons are important for memory, learning, and thinking. These are the same cells responsible for causing depression.
It is quite possible that the drug is causing neurodegeneration in the brain and that loss of these neurons in the hippocampus cause symptoms. Some other areas of the brain also take a hit. One of these areas is a structure called the hippocampus:
"The hippocampus is a key structure within the brain for long"
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The Apple TV is also expected to introduce Siri capabilities, which it currently doesn't include on the current iPad and iPhone. Last week, Apple unveiled the new TV set top box, which it will initially sell online starting in December. This new device offers the ability to view videos streamed from iTunes, make phone calls with it and play music from a large library of music. The company said it would be shipping the television at end of year. (Reuters)
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